Clicking any Firmatek Link loads an empty page


When you click on a Firmatek Link in any email client (or through another channel), the resulting browser page is all empty.

Potential reasons for this problem:

There could be a couple of reasons for this.

  • The most common one is that something in your email client is causing some links to not load properly.

  • Another reason could be that some software installed on your device, like antivirus software or network firewall, could be blocking certain links from opening automatically when clicked upon.


  1. To remedy this issue, please right click on any link you want to open and paste it directly into a new browser window. That should solve the issue.

  2. If the above does not work, please try disabling any browser extensions that may be interfering.

  3. Please make sure any antivirus or firewall installed on your device, either by your or your network administrator, is not interfering with loading pages.

Contact support for further help:

If the above solution does not work for you, please email us at . Be sure to include the following details in your email so that we can help you more efficiently and as quickly as possible:

  1. What kind of device are you using (Windows, macOS, etc)?

  2. Which browser and browser version number are you using (Chrome 17, Internet Explorer 11, etc)?

  3. Do you have any browser extensions/addons installed?

  4. Is there any antivirus software installed on your device?

  5. Is there any network firewall or similar software installed on your device?