Edit a Deliverable

Edit a Deliverable 


In the Firmatek Cloud, users with sufficient permissions can edit non-volume material information such as the Pile ID, product code, material name, and density.  Follow these procedures to edit a deliverable or request an edit to information you do not have permission to edit.  

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT CHANGE TRACKING: In the Firmatek Cloud, all edits / changes are logged and tracked by user.  

Need to edit site name, deliverable type, or survey date? 

If you believe that a deliverable is attached to the wrong site, has the wrong survey date or deliverable type, please send an email to support@firmatek.com with your request to make changes.  Only Firmatek administrators can make these types of changes.

Edit Information in a Stockpile Volume Report

Users with sufficient permissions and access can edit certain information in a stockpile volume report.

Edit Pile ID and/or Material Information

  1. Important: Before you edit a stockpile's material information, it is recommended that you create the proper materials in your site material list. To do this, follow the guidance in Manage Your Materials and Site Material List.

  2. When at the deliverable details view, find the stockpile's row on the SVR Data Table. 

  3. Click anywhere on the row.  You will be brought to the Stockpile Detail View.

  4. To edit the stockpile information, click on the edit (pencil) icon.


    1. Pile ID: can be any letters or numbers plus periods and hyphens; cannot be blank. Be sure not to enter a pile ID that has already been assigned. Duplicate Pile IDs are not allowed.

      1. IMPORTANT: Firmatek adds a leading zero in front of single-digit stockpile Pile IDs.  For example, you will see "09" instead of just "9". Please do not remove the zero until certain enhancements have been made and this warning has been removed. You will now be in the Stockpile Edit interface and you can edit the following:

    2. Material Information:

      1. Start Typing the material name in the Material Field

      2. The Firmatek Cloud autocomplete functionality will suggest any existing materials from the site material list that match the text. If you and your colleagues have followed guidance in Manage Your Materials and Site Material List, you will have information (such as dates and source location) in the material name that helps you select between materials with similar names

      3. If you select a material from the suggested matches, the product code and density will also be auto-filled based on that information that is in the material library.

      4. You can also just type free text and use that information. Note that if you do not select an autocomplete option and just add your own text that you can only enter the material name here. But don't worry, you can follow Manage Your Materials and Site Material List later to add the product code and density.

    3. Volume: Customer users cannot edit volume. If you have a concern with Firmatek's volume analysis, please submit an email to support@firmatek.com from your work email describing your concern. This will start the customer support process. 

    4. Inventory Indicator (optional): A way to designate what is sellable inventory and what is scrap/contaminated. For more information, please refer to the glossary of terms. 

Edit Stockpile Annotations (Map Objects)

Only Firmatek employees can change the shapes and locations of stockpile annotations on the map canvas.  If you believe there is a problem with one or more of these, please send an email to support@firmatek.com.  

If you need to edit the Pile ID, follow the steps above for editing the SVR Data Table and you will see the Pile ID label change on the map also.

Edit Attached Files on Deliverables

Users with sufficient permissions and access can add and remove files attached to deliverables.

CAUTION: Please be very careful not to delete important files from a deliverable.  If you do delete one by accident, please notify Firmatek at support@firmatek.com so we can try to restore it as soon as possible.

Other Edits

Please submit an email to support@firmatek.com with your edit request.

Delete a Deliverable

If you feel that a deliverable needs to be deleted or removed from the Firmatek Cloud, please send a request to support@firmatek.com.