Notification Basics

What are notifications?


Receiving Notifications

You will receive notifications when there is something for you to do with regards to the Firmatek Cloud.  Types of notifications you may receive include:

  • A new deliverable has been posted for you to view

  • You (or somebody else at the location/site) need to conduct stockpile markup

When notifications are created, they will go to both your Firmatek Cloud Message Center and your email.  To customize your notifications, go to our page on Modifying Email Notifications.

Firmatek Cloud Message Center

To open the Message Center, click the notification icon (bell) in the top right corner of your screen. The Message Center will have all of the notifications (“actions required”) and recent activity for all of the sites for which you have access.  Note that if you are viewing a specific site, only the notifications and recent activity for that specific site will display.  

The Message Center icon is black when you have no unread messages. The Message Center icon is red when you have new unread messages.