Modify Email Notifications

We err on the side of providing you more information. You may not want certain notifications coming to your inbox. You can disable email notifications in your Firmatek Cloud Settings.


Follow the steps below to enable or disable Firmatek Cloud email notifications:

  1. Login to Firmatek Cloud ( )

  2. Click on your profile icon and navigate to “Admin Settings”

  3. In Admin Settings, you will see a Notifications tab

  4. If you do not want any notifications:

    1. Uncheck “markup required” and

    2. Uncheck “markup completed” and

    3. Uncheck “new deliverable ready”

  5. If you would like to receive site specific notification:

    1. Uncheck “Global Notifications”

    2. This will turn on all site specific notifications

    3. Then turn off notifications on a site by site basis.

  6. Click Save Changes


Click here to view a video walking you through the steps required to turn off notifications:



Firmatek Cloud allows you to modify your notifications in Settings.