View a Site

When you view a site, you will be brought to the Site Details view and the Map Canvas will zoom to the sites location. There, you can see a list of surveys and deliverables.


To view a site,

  1. Use the Map Canvas, Search, or Site Selector to navigate to the site

  2. When viewing a site, you can see the following basic site information

    1. Site Name

    2. Favorite Star (click it to add to your favorites)

    3. Site Type

    4. Street Address

    5. Coordinate System

    6. Main point of contact and phone number

    7. Site Description

  3. You can also see a list of Surveys and Deliverables. In order to actually see a specific Deliverable, you can click on it. This will take you to the Deliverables Detail View.


The Site Details View gives you basic information and a list of deliverables.