Edit a Site

From time to time, you made need to update or change information in a site. Here’s how you can do that.


  1. When viewing a site in the Site Details view, click the edit pencil next to “Site Details”

  2. This will open the edit site interface

  3. Make your changes to site type, manager, contact info, or description

  4. Click Save

  5. If you would like to edit other information such as a Site Name or where the marker appears on the map, please submit a request via email to support@firmatek.com with the following information:

    1. Name of the Company and Site

    2. What field to change and the new information

    3. Authorizing Person

    4. Reason for the change

    5. Any other important information

    6. Contact information


Easily change basic site info on your own or send an email to support@firmatek.com